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September 14, 2017 When Fluffy arrived at the OHS on Sept. 19, 2016, the leaves outside the shelter were just beginning to turn... Read More
September 7, 2017 It always feels like summer is over after Labour Day weekend, even though we officially have a few more... Read More
August 31, 2017 There are many kind and compassionate people who are seeking ways to make a difference to the animals... Read More
August 24, 2017 “What does the term “no kill” really mean? At best, it is poorly understood and has no generally... Read More
August 18, 2017 Everyone who cares about animals was disappointed to see the charges against Marineland dropped last week.... Read More
August 17, 2017 August 19 is International Homeless Animals Day. It was created to educate people about pet abandonment,... Read More
August 10, 2017 More than a decade ago, the OHS introduced the concept of “special needs” adoptions. These were animals... Read More
Black-Legged tick
August 3, 2017 Ticks are generating lots of conversation these days around Ottawa. This is thanks to our veterinary... Read More
July 27, 2017 Halle, the Wiggle Waggle Walk & Run spokesdog, interviews Shelley Leblanc, second-time team captain of... Read More
July 13, 2017 At the moment, I am in Newfoundland, once again seeing whales in the wild, where they belong. It seemed a... Read More