Small Animals and Birds Sort by Sort by Date available for adoption Alphabetical by breed Estimated Age By gender Alphabetical by colour Location Sort Filter Results Cancel Name | Bungie Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoption Breed: new zealand white Age: 2 years, 3 months old Sex: male Colour: white Animal ID: A247548 Name | Admetus Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoption Breed: american Age: 3 years old Sex: male Colour: black Animal ID: A257435 Name | Tom Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoption Breed: new zealand white Age: 1 year, 2 months old Sex: male Colour: white Animal ID: A257737 Name | Delbert Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoption Breed: american mix Age: 2 years, 8 months old Sex: male Colour: black Animal ID: A258543 Name | Shadow Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoption Breed: rex Age: 2 years, 7 months old Sex: male Colour: black Animal ID: A258698 Name | Frankie Located at ottawa humane society Breed: new zealand white Age: 2 years, 7 months old Sex: male Colour: white Animal ID: A258841 Name | Bella Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoptionspecial needs Breed: dutch and american Age: 1 year, 5 months old Sex: female Colour: agouti and white Animal ID: A260414 Name | Pumpkin Located at ottawa humane societyin foster home - available for adoptionspecial needs Breed: lionhead and dutch Age: 7 months old Sex: female Colour: agouti and white Animal ID: A260419 Related FAQs Animal Tips General Animal Tips Gerbils Guinea Pigs Hamsters Songbirds Tips for Other Pets Your Pet