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Cat bird cow
February 17, 2022 I’ve long believed that more can be done for the animals when people and groups work together as friends.... Read More
February 10, 2022 Monday is Valentine’s Day, full of hearts and flowers, chocolate and champagne. It’s the time we are... Read More
Dr. Miller and Dr. Key
February 3, 2022 February is Black History Month, created to address the too often ignored — or suppressed — contribution... Read More
Zazie Todd and her dog
January 27, 2022 When I take my little shih tzu, Pepper, for a walk, we move quite slowly because he’s 12 years old. At the... Read More
Close-up portrait of sad beagle dog looking away over shoulder of brunette girl. Woman in white attire with short brown hair holding big puppy and carrying him home.
January 20, 2022 You may have missed it, but last Monday was the day known as Blue Monday. Marked on the third Monday in... Read More
Woman laying on couch petting dog
January 14, 2022 The Association of Professional Dog Trainers has declared January to be National Train Your Dog Month – a... Read More
OHS Staff wearing face shield holding injured cat
January 6, 2022 I don’t think any of us thought we would be returning to Stage 2 this year, and it’s a bit... Read More
Winston Churchill and his dog
December 31, 2021 On the first day of 1942, in the midst of another tremendous global struggle, on a train speeding between... Read More
December 24, 2021 In 1897, Francis Pharcellus Church, an editorial writer for the New York Sun, wrote an iconic response to a... Read More
OHS veterinarian holding an injured cat
December 16, 2021 I’ve been at the office since the onset of the pandemic. I’m just not a work-from-home guy. I’m an... Read More