Our Blog

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April 2, 2015 If you haven’t yet heard, I have great news to share: the Ottawa Humane Society is now offering... Read More
March 26, 2015 Some of the best news I hear comes through Facebook. Just last week, one of my friends posted the news... Read More
March 19, 2015 Raccoon family  Beware the Ides of March, the soothsayer told Caesar, foretelling the day he would be... Read More
March 12, 2015 The following article was published in the Winter 2015 edition of the OHS newsletter, Our Best Friends: ... Read More
March 6, 2015 Can your pet sitter keep your pet safe? With March Break rolling around, it’s vacation time for many—and... Read More
February 26, 2015 OK, so you’re feeling fed up. You want to be the best pet owner for your dog and you know that means... Read More
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