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December 24, 2021 In 1897, Francis Pharcellus Church, an editorial writer for the New York Sun, wrote an iconic response to a... Read More
June 15, 2017 We call it kitten season. And at the OHS, we make a lot of our plans around it — extra hiring, more... Read More
October 12, 2017 It’s hard to remember a time before the Internet. Everything is online now, from utility bills to streaming... Read More
September 10, 2020 You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness. Anne Frank Kindness. It seems from almost... Read More
small orange kitten with ocular discharge
September 22, 2022 I learned a sad lesson many years ago. A man surrendered two beautiful Borzois — a pretty unusual event at... Read More
March 9, 2018 Admittedly, I can be pretty ambitious; not so much personally, but for the Ottawa Humane Society as a whole,... Read More
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