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Posts Tagged with bruce roney

April 12, 2018 I think there is nothing better than when plans come to fruition. Back in 2010 when the detailed planning for... Read More
April 4, 2018 Yesterday morning I read the sad news that an elephant died, and that four more are being treated for... Read More
March 22, 2018 Two stories hit the news last week that highlight the core issue in animal welfare today. In the first, a... Read More
March 1, 2018 Last week, the Ottawa Transportation Commission unanimously passed a staff recommendation to city council... Read More
February 22, 2018 The great Bob Barker concluded the Price is Right game show with the same message, “Remember to Spay and... Read More
February 16, 2018 In light of the recent very good news that OC Transpo are to be discussing allowing small pets on buses and... Read More
February 15, 2018 On February 16, the Chinese lunar calendar enters the eleventh sign and we pass into the year of the dog!... Read More
February 8, 2018 The first painful loss I remember as a child was for a collie-mix named Major. It would have been 1971. I was... Read More
February 1, 2018 Last year, 1,432 animals were surrendered to the care of the OHS by their families. As a measure to reduce... Read More
January 19, 2018 Last week, I reported that I recently had the opportunity to hear Jim Tedford speak. Jim is the CEO of the... Read More