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November 1, 2018 Know what you are getting. Ever looked at a puppy and wondered how big they will get? What colour the adult... Read More
October 25, 2018 Three years ago, in preparing for our current strategic plan, the OHS reached out to all of our donors and... Read More
October 17, 2018 Today, cannabis use became legal in Canada.  Depending on your world-view, you may believe that cannabis use... Read More
October 11, 2018   Two weeks ago, the OHS took in seven dogs and two puppies from our partners in Canada’s North. We... Read More
October 4, 2018 It’s easy to forget that Thanksgiving is about more than getting together with family and friends in an... Read More
September 27, 2018 Tornadoes are tricky, compared to other potentially disastrous weather. A tornado can be catastrophic if you... Read More
September 20, 2018 The OHS annual meeting was this week. The latter part of the evening is devoted to the usual activities:... Read More
September 13, 2018 Whales and man have had a long history together on this planet. And like so many species that co-exist with... Read More
September 6, 2018 For the last 18 years, I have spent the OHS Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run with the sponsors, exhibitors and... Read More
August 30, 2018 The OHS’s annual Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run is in less than two weeks. This event is the OHS’s biggest... Read More