July 11, 2019
It Can Happen to You
July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety Day. It’s one of those days created to create a small buzz about an important issue. These days come and go throughout the year and they are a good cue for us at the OHS to get the word out about animal welfare issues. But for me, this year has been different.
You see, two weeks ago, we had a fire at our house.
On June 27, our house was one of three hit by lightning that caused a fire. The lightning strike occurred about 10 p.m. The television flickered, but there was no indication that the strike caused any damage. But at 2 a.m., our computer back-up sounded an alarm that thankfully woke us. Up the hall, our home office was extremely hot and a crackling sound could be heard in the ceiling. There was no smoke in the house yet, so no smoke alarm sounded.
To be honest, we didn’t have a fire plan. But we did know exactly where our cat’s carrier was. We scooped Gracie into it, called 911 and left the house.
It could have been worse. Had the ceiling collapsed, we would have had to jump out a second story window to escape. Smoke could have been debilitating. We may not have been able to get to a carrier or even to Gracie. I am grateful that no one was hurt. Only damage to our stuff.
I guess like many people, deep down I always thought fires happen to someone else. Well, it happened to me and it can happen to you. Please take even a few minutes to read our friend and sponsor, Hill’s information on planning for an emergency with your pet and our own OHS recommendations for fire safety for pets.
I was lucky, but you can create your own luck through a little preparation.
Bruce Roney
President and CEO