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July 23, 2020 Last week, I wrote about all the changes we have made at the OHS to protect our staff and our ability to care... Read More
July 16, 2020 With the province’s announcement that Ottawa will be entering phase three of reopening, most of us are... Read More
July 10, 2020 As the summer temperature soars, wildlife becomes more active. Humans go outdoors more and the... Read More
July 2, 2020 There has been a great deal of coverage in the media regarding a string of attacks by one coyote in the... Read More
June 25, 2020 When I was young, I didn’t believe politicians actually led. I didn’t believe that legislation was a... Read More
June 18, 2020 A few weeks ago, I started receiving a lot of media calls. Almost all of them were about the pandemic puppy... Read More
June 11, 2020 Ottawa has begun to open up because of the extraordinary measures that we have taken as a community to... Read More
June 4, 2020 In January, I wrote a blog about the Ford government’s introduction of shameful and dangerous Bill 156, the... Read More
May 28, 2020 There is a joke circulating on the internet that with so many people at home during the crisis, the dogs... Read More
May 21, 2020 I always listen to CBC when I’m driving. Last week one of the segments was checking in on Canadians across... Read More