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July 26, 2018 Have you ever heard of F.D.C Willard? He was an internationally published author in physics. He is also a... Read More
April 12, 2018 I think there is nothing better than when plans come to fruition. Back in 2010 when the detailed planning for... Read More
June 2, 2016 Harambe The world has been shocked and horrified by the shooting of Harambe, a 17-year-old silverback gorilla... Read More
Willow, bernese mountain dog
December 8, 2022 What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Between handmade crafts and cards from my kids, and... Read More
Cute smiling happy cat lying on the man's shoulder
December 17, 2020 I have seen posts on social media proposing we look at Christmas differently this year. The suggestion is... Read More
AY Jackson judging a poster
May 5, 2022 Ever heard of National Little Pampered Dog Day? How about International Pooper Scooper Week? There are a lot... Read More
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