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May 11, 2023 They roam your house, use a litter box, are best kept indoors, should be spayed/neutered, and their homeless... Read More
Eve, an orphaned kitten who was brought to the OHS this week
May 4, 2023 It’s that time of year when we start to see a rising number of kittens and momma cats who need our help.... Read More
Daisy, a sweet dog who came to the OHS with terrible wounds on her neck, is one of the many animals who got a second chance thanks to a community that cares.
April 27, 2023 In all the years I’ve worked for the Ottawa Humane Society, I haven’t seen an end to the different ways... Read More
April 22, 2023 Many hands make life-saving work at the Ottawa Humane Society possible. One of these essential groups is our... Read More
April 13, 2023 I had the honour last week of meeting with shelters, advocates and people who care about animals from all... Read More
March 31, 2023 You may have heard the news earlier this month that Kiska, the world’s loneliest orca, died after 40 years... Read More
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