Our Blog

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January 25, 2018 Remember when we were kids? There were some great things that would happen throughout the year. Summer... Read More
March 14, 2019 There is a lot of confusion about where the funds come from to care for the animals at the Ottawa Humane... Read More
August 10, 2017 More than a decade ago, the OHS introduced the concept of “special needs” adoptions. These were animals... Read More
August 30, 2018 The OHS’s annual Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run is in less than two weeks. This event is the OHS’s biggest... Read More
August 11, 2016 It will come as no surprise that the busiest months at the OHS shelter are July and August. One of the... Read More
September 3, 2015 Though now a happy cat owner, dogs have been a part of most of my life. And despite my rediscovered love of... Read More
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