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June 16, 2022 With the provincial mask mandate dropping this week in hospitals and public transit, we have followed suit... Read More
microchip implant
June 7, 2018 I am a big fan of technology, and I am increasingly amazed at what it can do. (Creepy life-like robots... Read More
September 3, 2020 Last week, I spent a very pleasant evening in the backyard of my long-time friend, Genevieve —and yes, wine... Read More
May 18, 2023 Surrendering a pet is a tough and personal decision. We’ve shared before some of the reasons that would... Read More
Silhouette of a dog with a large question mark overlayed
May 27, 2021 I often am asked why there are so few dogs available for adoption on our website. There are a few reasons.... Read More
April 30, 2015 No matter how much your pet likes potato chips (or gambling), it’s the microchip implant that will... Read More
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