Our Blog

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April 23, 2020 I have had the honour of working with volunteers in every job in my career. People who donate their time and... Read More
April 16, 2020 “…. last night, I thought, ‘what is a family, anyway?’ They’re just people who make you... Read More
April 9, 2020 As an employee of an essential service, I’m still coming to work every day. Frankly, that suits me, but... Read More
April 2, 2020 “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I, said Galdalf, and so do all who... Read More
March 26, 2020 It’s times like these that we recognize the heroes around us. In the past few weeks, I have seen many... Read More
March 19, 2020 Most people probably don’t think of the Ottawa Humane Society as an emergency service, but we very much... Read More
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