Our Blog

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February 26, 2015 OK, so you’re feeling fed up. You want to be the best pet owner for your dog and you know that means... Read More
Cat and dog laying on the floor with their heads rested against each other
June 3, 2021 Many years ago, when I was a schoolboy, I was taught that there were two fundamental differences between... Read More
September 26, 2019 For All They Have Given Us: Seniors and the Ottawa Humane Society I meet a lot of people in my role at the... Read More
April 10, 2015 Volunteers enrich the quality of life for the animals Every year, organizations across Canada mark National... Read More
October 6, 2022 I was taking a walk around the shelter the other day and looking in at the animals in our care. It’s easy... Read More
August 26, 2021 This morning, I got to do something I haven’t been able to do for a year and a half: I greeted a volunteer.... Read More
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