Our Blog

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November 23, 2017 Cats are very sensitive to their environments. This is bad news if they need to be sheltered. Even in a great... Read More
November 16, 2017 Have you ever wondered what happens in a typical day at the OHS? We take you behind the scenes and share... Read More
November 9, 2017 As we prepare to honour the men and women who fought, and to remember those who gave their lives in combat,... Read More
November 2, 2017 Between the ages of 11 and 13, I spent a good chunk of Christmas Day in a very odd place: a chicken farm. You... Read More
October 26, 2017 Since I began working at the Ottawa Humane Society a lot of people approach me for advice — especially... Read More
October 19, 2017 They’re scaly, slithery, tongue-flicking, slow-blinking, sometimes carnivorous, and most always mysterious... Read More
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