Our Blog

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September 12, 2019 Yes, I do think everyone needs a friend, but here I mean a PAL, as in the OHS Pet Adoption Location Program... Read More
September 19, 2019 Our humane education team decided to kick-start this school year by running Leadership and Education with... Read More
September 26, 2019 For All They Have Given Us: Seniors and the Ottawa Humane Society I meet a lot of people in my role at the... Read More
October 3, 2019 When I walk around the shelter, I see animals from all walks of life that are just trying to live their best... Read More
October 10, 2019 With the federal election less than two weeks away, we can all help make sure that animals count. Thanks to... Read More
October 17, 2019 Yesterday was National Feral Cat Day. I hope you will take a moment to think about these neglected felines.... Read More
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