Our Blog

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October 12, 2017 It’s hard to remember a time before the Internet. Everything is online now, from utility bills to streaming... Read More
October 5, 2017 It has often seemed to me that finding the right dog is like finding the right partner. You know that... Read More
September 29, 2017 Dental disease can be a big problem for cats and dogs. By age three, the majority will have some degree of... Read More
September 21, 2017 Urban chickens are a DIY take on the farm-to-table movement. But the well-intentioned and trendy hobby has a... Read More
September 14, 2017 When Fluffy arrived at the OHS on Sept. 19, 2016, the leaves outside the shelter were just beginning to turn... Read More
September 7, 2017 It always feels like summer is over after Labour Day weekend, even though we officially have a few more... Read More
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