Our Blog

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September 8, 2023 We’re close to two weeks away from the 35th annual Wiggle Waggle Walk & Run. It’s all anyone and any... Read More
July 19, 2018 The Ottawa Humane Society is in its third year of its five year strategic plan. The plan is ambitious and... Read More
July 10, 2020 As the summer temperature soars, wildlife becomes more active. Humans go outdoors more and the... Read More
March 19, 2015 Raccoon family  Beware the Ides of March, the soothsayer told Caesar, foretelling the day he would be... Read More
April 23, 2020 I have had the honour of working with volunteers in every job in my career. People who donate their time and... Read More
January 2, 2018 We have an update on some changes coming to the way the Ottawa Humane Society operates in our community. The... Read More
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