Our Blog

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October 1, 2020 You may not track these kinds of things the way I do, but today is the first day of National Animal Safety... Read More
September 24, 2020 When I started working for the Ottawa Humane Society 20 years ago, there were only a handful of local rescue... Read More
September 17, 2020 I listen to CBC almost exclusively when I drive. In the morass of bad news, from time to time, there is... Read More
September 10, 2020 You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness. Anne Frank Kindness. It seems from almost... Read More
September 3, 2020 Last week, I spent a very pleasant evening in the backyard of my long-time friend, Genevieve —and yes, wine... Read More
August 27, 2020 Lately, I find the news exceedingly depressing: so many stories of illness, death and destruction. Adding to... Read More
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