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OHS veterinarian performing a sterilization surgery
March 1, 2022 Last week, to celebrate World Spay Day, I had the honour of helping to provide spay/neuter surgeries to... Read More
February 24, 2022 I heard years ago that the foundation of the U.S. Marines’ code of honour is never to lie, cheat or steal.... Read More
Cat bird cow
February 17, 2022 I’ve long believed that more can be done for the animals when people and groups work together as friends.... Read More
February 10, 2022 Monday is Valentine’s Day, full of hearts and flowers, chocolate and champagne. It’s the time we are... Read More
Dr. Miller and Dr. Key
February 3, 2022 February is Black History Month, created to address the too often ignored — or suppressed — contribution... Read More
Zazie Todd and her dog
January 27, 2022 When I take my little shih tzu, Pepper, for a walk, we move quite slowly because he’s 12 years old. At the... Read More
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