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April 4, 2018 Yesterday morning I read the sad news that an elephant died, and that four more are being treated for... Read More
March 12, 2020 I don’t think that anyone would deny that we are increasingly living in a click-to-buy world. For me, it... Read More
Cat hiding from the elements in a car
November 17, 2022 The issue of homeless cats is one that Ottawa and the Ottawa Humane Society have constantly grappled... Read More
March 1, 2018 Last week, the Ottawa Transportation Commission unanimously passed a staff recommendation to city council... Read More
December 3, 2020 Two weeks ago, I shared Dr. Scott Weese’s insights into the research on COVID-19 in dogs and cats. Now I... Read More
man in mask with labrador dog walking in city
November 19, 2020 Did you know, one of the world’s top experts in infectious disease in animals lives in Ontario? Dr. Scott... Read More
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