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Posts Tagged with OHS

Disturbing footage shows a terrified German shepherd apparently being forced into a tank of torrential water.Disturbing footage shows a terrified German shepherd apparently being forced into a tank of torrential water.
January 19, 2017 I have always been reassured by that disclaimer at the end of films. You know the one: “No animals were... Read More
January 5, 2017 I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions. I never kept them. That said, there is... Read More
happy new year
December 31, 2016 Everyone has a bad year from time to time. Because of the death of a loved one, a health scare, a financial... Read More
gracie christmas 2016
December 25, 2016 Merry Christmas... Read More
December 15, 2016 OK, I confess — I can get a little mushy at Christmas. I start humming and whistling Christmas music as... Read More
Jingle the Christmas Elf
December 8, 2016 Among the best parts about Christmas — and most holidays — are our traditions and the memories that come... Read More
December 1, 2016 At the core, there are two kinds of animal shelters: open admission and limited admission. When I say... Read More
November 17, 2016 I’m often asked, “What is it like to be a veterinarian at the OHS?” There is no one word or single... Read More
November 9, 2016 The Ottawa Humane Society is an organization founded on compassion. So I, like many of you, was shaken by the... Read More
November 3, 2016 Since I began working at the Ottawa Humane Society a lot of people approach me for advice — especially... Read More