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December 10, 2020 “Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought…... Read More
December 3, 2020 Two weeks ago, I shared Dr. Scott Weese’s insights into the research on COVID-19 in dogs and cats. Now I... Read More
Cat sitting on chair looking out a window
November 26, 2020 Many of you know that five years ago, I decided I was ready for a new pet. My last pet had been a dog and... Read More
man in mask with labrador dog walking in city
November 19, 2020 Did you know, one of the world’s top experts in infectious disease in animals lives in Ontario? Dr. Scott... Read More
November 12, 2020 Twenty years ago, not long after I started working at the Ottawa Humane Society, I learned a valuable lesson.... Read More
November 5, 2020 Judy, an English pointer, was born in Shanghai in 1936, in the lead up to the Second World War. She became a... Read More
October 29, 2020 Last week, I told you about some changes the OHS has had to put into place since COVID-19 hit in March: our... Read More
October 22, 2020 By Dr. Shelley Hutchings The Order of Ottawa recognizes outstanding citizens of Ottawa for their... Read More
October 15, 2020 Since COVID-19 hit in March, our overriding concerns have been the safety of our staff and preserving... Read More
October 8, 2020 As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope to make the holiday a little more than a day off work with a big meal.... Read More