July 15, 2021
Standing for Something
I have always believed that organizations, especially not-for-profits and charities, need to stand for something. They need to provide informed thinking on issues within their domain. After all, if they don’t, who will? This is especially true for humane societies, most of whom for many years have used the tagline, “We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
The Ottawa Humane Society has long maintained and publicized our positions on a variety of animal welfare topics. These guide our work, our decision-making and our public positions. Topics include everything from spaying and neutering through euthanasia, hunting and fishing, and zoos and aquaria. Some of the OHS statements had become out-of-date and at its last meeting, the board of directors approved 28 revised statements to guide us for the next several years.
At the end of the day, I admire charities who speak up over those who remain silent on their most important issues. I am proud to work for a charity that speaks up, stands for something, and speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Bruce Roney
President and CEO