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Disturbing footage shows a terrified German shepherd apparently being forced into a tank of torrential water.Disturbing footage shows a terrified German shepherd apparently being forced into a tank of torrential water.
January 19, 2017 I have always been reassured by that disclaimer at the end of films. You know the one: “No animals were... Read More
dog walker
January 12, 2017 It’s been a mild couple days but Ottawa has seen some wild weather this winter, from temperature extremes... Read More
January 5, 2017 I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions. I never kept them. That said, there is... Read More
happy new year
December 31, 2016 Everyone has a bad year from time to time. Because of the death of a loved one, a health scare, a financial... Read More
gracie christmas 2016
December 25, 2016 Merry Christmas... Read More
December 15, 2016 OK, I confess — I can get a little mushy at Christmas. I start humming and whistling Christmas music as... Read More
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