September 7, 2017
Back to School at the Ottawa Humane Society

Don’t Blame the Dog and Don’t Blame
the Cat seminars help families understand pet behaviour
It always feels like summer is over after Labour Day weekend, even though we officially have a few more weeks. I never got over the back-to-school-so-summer-is-over feeling. Maybe part of it is the issuing of the OHS Fall and Winter Program Guide — an autumn tradition here at the OHS now. Another thing I don’t think I will ever get over is that the OHS has a program guide, and that there is so much going on here that we need one! Expanding our programming was one of the many promises of the West Hunt Club shelter: to do more for our community and its animals. In fact, in my mind, one of the measures of success for this facility for me is how well used the education centre is in helping the OHS fulfil its mandate.
The answer is, it is measuring up pretty well. Summer camps just ended and the new programs for fall are on their way. Among them are our seminar series that will help owners end some frustration and keep more animals in their homes. Don’t Blame the Dog and Don’t Blame the Cat help families address common pet issues by understanding their pet’s behaviour. Pet First Aid can literally be a life-saver for your beloved pet. Getting Savvy about Senior Cats help owners adjust to their cats’ aging and to better meet their needs. Various existing and new adult, puppy, group and private dog obedience classes round out the offerings this fall.

The OHS plans to introduce two seminars a year, including a seminar on separation anxiety in the spring
We have committed in our planning to introduce at least two seminars a year over the coming years. There are a number of new ones in development, often to address some of the most common reasons people give us for surrendering their pet. Staff are working to introduce a new seminar in the spring on separation anxiety, for example. And I have been pushing for one on coping with allergies to pets — a common issue that I share with many pet owners.
So, a little market research: what seminars would you attend if we offered it in the coming months and years? Write me at and I will make sure all the suggestion gets onto the list for consideration.
Thank you making a difference in the lives of Ottawa’s animals.
Bruce Roney
Executive Director