Our Blog

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April 13, 2017 With Easter approaching, some of our colleagues in the humane movement are reminding their communities that... Read More
April 6, 2017 It has been thousands of years since the domestication of the modern cat, and in this time these fascinating... Read More
March 30, 2017 My Facebook feed declared last night that the Western Black Rhinoceros had been declared officially extinct.... Read More
March 23, 2017 We in animal welfare often talk about “Disney” dogs. Disney dogs, or cats for that matter, never... Read More
March 16, 2017 I confess, despite the many pets I have had in my life, I have never had a pet rabbit. My good friend in the... Read More
March 9, 2017 This month we will be surveying our volunteers. We do it every year. And it is a pretty big deal because at... Read More
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