Our Blog

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February 1, 2018 Last year, 1,432 animals were surrendered to the care of the OHS by their families. As a measure to reduce... Read More
January 25, 2018 Remember when we were kids? There were some great things that would happen throughout the year. Summer... Read More
January 19, 2018 Last week, I reported that I recently had the opportunity to hear Jim Tedford speak. Jim is the CEO of the... Read More
January 11, 2018 I recently had the opportunity to hear Jim Tedford speak. Jim is the CEO of the Society of Animal Welfare... Read More
January 2, 2018 We have an update on some changes coming to the way the Ottawa Humane Society operates in our community. The... Read More
December 31, 2017 “Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.” ~ Daniel Dennett I made this... Read More
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