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April 23, 2015 Regular checkups are important. Of course, we love our pets. We know it is our responsibility to take care of... Read More
July 19, 2016 I was born in 1962. It was an interesting time to be born. As a child, in the late ’60s and early... Read More
Helen Keller
April 27, 2017 Helen Keller (1880–1968) was an American author, political activist and humanitarian. She was the... Read More
dog walker
January 12, 2017 It’s been a mild couple days but Ottawa has seen some wild weather this winter, from temperature extremes... Read More
October 6, 2016 As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope to make the holiday a little more than a day off work with a big meal. It... Read More
October 8, 2020 As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope to make the holiday a little more than a day off work with a big meal.... Read More
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