Our Blog

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March 12, 2015 The following article was published in the Winter 2015 edition of the OHS newsletter, Our Best Friends: ... Read More
July 11, 2019 July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety Day. It’s one of those days created to create a small buzz about an... Read More
March 15, 2024 This week, we hosted a special “Help the Shelter” March Break Camp for kids. These children come to our... Read More
January 12, 2023 People often ask how they can help Ottawa’s animals. Volunteering, adopting, donating or even  working... Read More
December 19, 2019 Among my all-time favourite movies is It’s a Wonderful Life. I watch it every year to get me into the... Read More
February 15, 2018 On February 16, the Chinese lunar calendar enters the eleventh sign and we pass into the year of the dog!... Read More
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