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Dog and cat laying on the floor with dog laying head on cat's body
February 18, 2021 In late January, Prescott, Ontario Town Council voted to make cats equal to dogs. The way they have done it... Read More
April 20, 2015 OHS work is complex, from animal care …  When I started at the Ottawa Humane Society 15 years ago,... Read More
September 12, 2019 Yes, I do think everyone needs a friend, but here I mean a PAL, as in the OHS Pet Adoption Location Program... Read More
May 10, 2024 I’ve already talked about how much I love plans, so it’ll be no surprise that I am beyond thrilled to... Read More
March 28, 2024 Volunteering: it’s an incredible thing. It means donating your time and energy, towards a greater cause.... Read More
December 3, 2015 An OHS supporter asked me recently if I was worried about the Syrian refugee crisis. I was puzzled for a... Read More
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