Our Blog

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July 7, 2022 Right now, we are in full swing with kitten season. More and more kittens are arriving in our care each day.... Read More
January 21, 2021 As an essential worker, I come to work each day and have throughout the health crisis. I feel safe doing so... Read More
August 20, 2020 One of the greatest animal welfare successes in Ottawa was the elimination of the Parliament Hill cat colony... Read More
August 29, 2019 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”Nelson Mandela Four years... Read More
December 14, 2017 Four years ago, I thought it would be a fun idea to foster two puppies who needed to get out of the shelter... Read More
chain breaking
July 28, 2022 As Canadians, we generally view our country as the refuge for Black Americans escaping slavery in the U.S.... Read More
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