Our Blog

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Service dog pulling a door open for a man in a wheelchair.
September 2, 2021 When you hear “service dog” what do you think of? I imagine a guide dog helping his owner safely navigate... Read More
August 26, 2021 This morning, I got to do something I haven’t been able to do for a year and a half: I greeted a volunteer.... Read More
Outside Ottawa Humane Society bulding
August 19, 2021 Before the pandemic and ubiquitous Zoom meetings, I would sometimes work late, attending committee or other... Read More
Dog looking out of window from inside car
August 12, 2021 After a relatively mild July, August is turning into a scorcher. Whenever it gets this hot, I worry about... Read More
Cat sleeping with a hand petting her forehead
August 5, 2021 The global pandemic has created multiple crises in our community, in Canada and across the world. The OHS has... Read More
coyote walking on sidewalk beside field
July 29, 2021 The recent reports of deceased cats were certainly unsettling to me and everyone here at the OHS. There are... Read More
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