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December 9, 2021 This time of the year, I often think about Christmases when I was a kid. When I was very young, my parents... Read More
December 2, 2021 I am sad to write that last weekend, we made the painful decision to put down our sweet little Siamese cat,... Read More
Owner feeding dog a treat
November 25, 2021 Though the OHS is always here for animals in need, we would rather that the vast majority stay in their homes... Read More
Senior cat looking at camera
November 18, 2021 Know what you are getting. Puppies and kittens change as they grow up. They get bigger and their... Read More
November 11, 2021 Recently, I came across an article about a role dogs held in the First World War that I had not heard of... Read More
The dog is abandoned by its owner in the forest. Back view
October 28, 2021 I have written many times that my twin preoccupations throughout the pandemic have been protecting our staff... Read More
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