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November 26, 2015 For the past decade or so, like most Canadians, I have been watching the U.S. media reports on the Friday... Read More
November 19, 2015 You’ve got to have friends, the song goes. And at the OHS, we are lucky to have so many good friends.... Read More
November 12, 2015 International Humane Education icon Zoe Weil bases much of her efforts on her belief that “the world... Read More
October 29, 2015 Patty McLaughlin with Wild Bird Care Centre mascot, Violet the Turkey Vulture, and Indigo, the American... Read More
October 15, 2015 Whether it’s studies on heart disease, stroke, immunity, allergies, depression, or anxiety, there is an... Read More
October 8, 2015 Phoenix, one of the many small animals waiting for her forever home at the OHS When thinking of the Ottawa... Read More
October 1, 2015 What is a legacy gift? Once called “planned gifts,” simply, these gifts are made by committed... Read More
September 23, 2015 The weather over the past few days has been incredible—sunny, warm, but not too hot. I keep thinking that... Read More
September 4, 2015 The Science Diet® Wiggle Waggle Walkathon and Run for the Animals Spokesdog Guinness Guinness sat down with... Read More
September 3, 2015 Though now a happy cat owner, dogs have been a part of most of my life. And despite my rediscovered love of... Read More