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April 14, 2016 Our volunteers help make Ottawa a more humane place for all. National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration... Read More
April 8, 2016 Humane education school presentations are offered in both French and English We at the OHS are dedicated to... Read More
April 5, 2016 Full house at the City’s Community and Protective Services Committee meeting on March 21. UPDATE: On... Read More
March 31, 2016 Bitty kitties tend to get scooped up pretty quickly, but the Ottawa Humane Society recently introduced a new... Read More
March 11, 2016 Cats are safer indoors. Since my blog, “The Streets are no Place for a Cat” in late January,... Read More
March 3, 2016 With less animals coming in to the shelter, pets like Chili can find homes faster. Malcolm Gladwell is an... Read More
February 25, 2016 OHS veterinarian preforming surgery in the clinic. I took Gracie (the best cat in the world) to the... Read More
February 18, 2016 Most people are surprised when I speak or write about the work of the Ottawa Humane Society. Few expect the... Read More
February 11, 2016 It occurs to me that animals — pets, at least for those of us who have them — are a huge part of our... Read More
February 4, 2016 There were a lot of comments on Facebook about my last blog, and a handful of people took the time to write... Read More