Our Blog

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July 27, 2017 Halle, the Wiggle Waggle Walk & Run spokesdog, interviews Shelley Leblanc, second-time team captain of... Read More
July 13, 2017 At the moment, I am in Newfoundland, once again seeing whales in the wild, where they belong. It seemed a... Read More
July 6, 2017 This is the time of year when many pet owners hit the road — or sky or rails — for their summer holidays.... Read More
June 29, 2017 We’re just a few days away from what is the busiest day of the year at the Ottawa Humane Society:... Read More
June 15, 2017 We call it kitten season. And at the OHS, we make a lot of our plans around it — extra hiring, more... Read More
June 1, 2017 Traditionally, the OHS and most, if not all, humane societies had a pretty deep “line in the... Read More
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