Our Blog

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April 19, 2018 I have some sad news to share. Sadie Mae, the loving hound who came into our care suffering from a gunshot... Read More
April 12, 2018 I think there is nothing better than when plans come to fruition. Back in 2010 when the detailed planning for... Read More
April 4, 2018 Yesterday morning I read the sad news that an elephant died, and that four more are being treated for... Read More
March 29, 2018 It’s surprising to me that one of the most controversial topics I write about is keeping cats indoors. For... Read More
March 22, 2018 Two stories hit the news last week that highlight the core issue in animal welfare today. In the first, a... Read More
March 15, 2018 We first introduced you to Tucker in February, when the four-month-old Shepherd-mix, arrived at the Ottawa... Read More
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