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Alice the pit bull
May 2, 2017 Quebec has proposed new legislation to ban certain dog breeds. The focus of course, is pit bull terriers, as... Read More
Ontario needs to do better
May 19, 2022 You may have heard that Quebec recently introduced some progressive changes to its Animal Welfare and Safety... Read More
May 11, 2023 They roam your house, use a litter box, are best kept indoors, should be spayed/neutered, and their homeless... Read More
November 9, 2023 For Remembrance Day this year, I plan to visit the Animals in War Memorial in Confederation Park to honour... Read More
November 11, 2021 Recently, I came across an article about a role dogs held in the First World War that I had not heard of... Read More
Inside page of legacy donors book.
October 14, 2021 Over the 133 years since its founding, the Ottawa Humane Society has accumulated a large archive to remember... Read More
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