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October 19, 2017 They’re scaly, slithery, tongue-flicking, slow-blinking, sometimes carnivorous, and most always mysterious... Read More
January 3, 2019 According to Business Insider, 80% of New Year’s resolutions are tossed out the window by February.  It... Read More
March 30, 2017 My Facebook feed declared last night that the Western Black Rhinoceros had been declared officially extinct.... Read More
July 6, 2017 This is the time of year when many pet owners hit the road — or sky or rails — for their summer holidays.... Read More
April 19, 2018 I have some sad news to share. Sadie Mae, the loving hound who came into our care suffering from a gunshot... Read More
Winston Churchill and his dog
December 31, 2021 On the first day of 1942, in the midst of another tremendous global struggle, on a train speeding between... Read More
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