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December 13, 2018 As I write this, a beautiful Labradoodle that the staff have named Princess is lying on a blanket in the... Read More
animals receiving gifts
December 25, 2022 “What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.” Agnes... Read More
March 28, 2019 I recently received a report from Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center describing... Read More
Dog looking out of window from inside car
August 12, 2021 After a relatively mild July, August is turning into a scorcher. Whenever it gets this hot, I worry about... Read More
June 9, 2022 I don’t know about you, but I miss getting together with people. I miss older relatives that have been... Read More
May 26, 2016 Obedience classes and training have many benefits. It’s been quite a few years since I have had a dog... Read More
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