Our Blog

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A sad dog being hugged by a person
April 8, 2021 It’s more than a bit depressing that we have marked two celebrations — Easter and Passover — twice now... Read More
March 26, 2015 Some of the best news I hear comes through Facebook. Just last week, one of my friends posted the news... Read More
August 6, 2020 I received an email from the Chair of the OHS Board of Directors today. As a side note, she mentioned that... Read More
Dog with bandana on with candy corns all over it and sitting next to pumpkins
October 27, 2022 We’ve all seen it. As Halloween approaches, pictures of pets dressed up in costumes flood social media —... Read More
August 8, 2019 I am well aware that many people associate the Ottawa Humane Society solely with dogs and cats.  Though... Read More
December 31, 2015 In this coming year, I hope the same thing for you and for me: that we make mistakes. Because if we are... Read More
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