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Yearly Archives for 2023

February 3, 2023 “If we look at the diversity situation today and want to change it, we have to present opportunities to... Read More
Poppy and ACA Kay
January 27, 2023 I’m thrilled to announce that last week, we welcomed a dog from Iqaluit into our care and two more arrived... Read More
Fire fighter with a volunteer dog.
January 21, 2023 At the Ottawa Humane Society, we never know what condition animals will be in when they come into our care,... Read More
January 12, 2023 People often ask how they can help Ottawa’s animals. Volunteering, adopting, donating or even  working... Read More
Dolphins swimming
January 6, 2023 I’m sorry to say it, but 2022 ended on a sour note for animal welfare in Ontario. In late 2021, Marineland... Read More