Harness Training for Cats
Harness Training for Cats
Be very patient and persistent and reward your pet lovingly. Yelling, hitting or rough treatment will only teach your cat to fear you and will accomplish nothing.
Begin training at six or seven months of age. Have the cat spayed or neutered first, as this enhances their concentration and decreases their desire to roam.
Purchase a light-weight H-shaped nylon harness that buckles at the neck and the stomach. It should also have a metal ring on the back portion for proper I.D. and to attach to a light-weight leash. Collars, figure eight harnesses with breastplates allow the cat to slip out too easily. To find the correct size, measure the cat’s neck and stomach snugly, but not tightly. Purchase an I.D. tag at the same time.
Place the harness with the I.D. tag and leash where the cat can sniff, paw and play with them.
After several days, gently, but firmly, put the harness on the cat and allow for two-finger widths at the neck and at the stomach – do not attach the leash yet. Leave the harness on for five minutes initially. Repeat this several times a day for one to two weeks.
Once the cat is comfortable with the harness, attach the I.D. tag and leash. Let the cat drag the leash around the house for several minutes at a time, for a few days. Be sure to supervise the cat to avoid her becoming tangled in furniture. When the cat has accepted this part, pick up the leash and hold on to it. The cat will realize she has restraints. Pull on the leash gently, offer food and say the word “come”. Be patient.