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A couple adopting a brown dog. A Christmas tree is behind them.
December 25, 2023 Merry Christmas from the OHS team and Ottawa’s homeless animals! I hope the day has brought you and your... Read More
December 22, 2023 When the pandemic struck Canada in 2020, the number of animals in our care severely dipped as we focused on... Read More
December 14, 2023 The Maestro of Meows, the Four-Legged Heartbreaker, the Ookie-Bookie Smoosh, Ottawa’s most famous cat, the... Read More
December 8, 2023 In case you haven’t heard, Ottawa is facing a pet affordability crisis. That rang through loud and clear... Read More
December 1, 2023 It’s actually not underground at all, but with how few people know, it may as well be top secret and... Read More
November 28, 2023 It’s no exaggeration to say each day at the OHS is unique. We never know exactly what kinds of animals will... Read More
November 17, 2023 We had a sweet litter of puppies in our adoption centre this week — all adopted within a couple of days, of... Read More
November 9, 2023 For Remembrance Day this year, I plan to visit the Animals in War Memorial in Confederation Park to honour... Read More
Julie Laporte with a dog
November 3, 2023 In just a few hours, my colleagues and I will be burning the midnight oil to provide spay and neuter... Read More
October 30, 2023 If you have been a supporter of the OHS for many years, you’ll have noticed that our messaging around pets... Read More