Our Blog

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November 12, 2020 Twenty years ago, not long after I started working at the Ottawa Humane Society, I learned a valuable lesson.... Read More
January 23, 2020 Over the years, the Ottawa Humane Society has increasingly invested in the behaviour and emotional well-being... Read More
June 15, 2018 It occurred to me a few weeks ago that last winter started in mid-November and didn’t really end until... Read More
February 6, 2020 The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed a change to the phrase we use to describe the number of animals we... Read More
March 19, 2020 Most people probably don’t think of the Ottawa Humane Society as an emergency service, but we very much... Read More
February 25, 2016 OHS veterinarian preforming surgery in the clinic. I took Gracie (the best cat in the world) to the... Read More
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