Our Blog

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April 4, 2019 Bring your furry friends and family to have your portrait taken with the Easter Bunny at your local Ren’s... Read More
March 28, 2019 I recently received a report from Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center describing... Read More
March 22, 2019   National Puppy Day is this Saturday, a day to celebrate the cute and cuddly companions that everyone... Read More
March 14, 2019 There is a lot of confusion about where the funds come from to care for the animals at the Ottawa Humane... Read More
March 7, 2019 There are so many reasons why coming to work every day at a Humane Society can be intensely rewarding. In my... Read More
March 1, 2019 I have never been to a pre-natal class. But I was recently told that these classes strongly recommend that... Read More
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