Our Blog

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November 1, 2018 Know what you are getting. Ever looked at a puppy and wondered how big they will get? What colour the adult... Read More
November 8, 2018 On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, one hundred years ago an armistice was signed... Read More
November 16, 2018 If you are reading this, likely you have a pet that you love. If you adopted from the OHS or another animal... Read More
November 22, 2018 I am no fan of Black Friday for a whole lot of reasons. The hype, the image of shoppers shoving their way... Read More
November 29, 2018   Veterinarians in Ottawa are very a special breed.  They truly care about the well-being of animals,... Read More
December 6, 2018 Once again this year, the OHS will be launching our Holiday Delivery Program. Parents can select and... Read More
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