Our Blog

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September 23, 2015 The weather over the past few days has been incredible—sunny, warm, but not too hot. I keep thinking that... Read More
September 4, 2015 The Science Diet® Wiggle Waggle Walkathon and Run for the Animals Spokesdog Guinness Guinness sat down with... Read More
September 3, 2015 Though now a happy cat owner, dogs have been a part of most of my life. And despite my rediscovered love of... Read More
August 27, 2015 My friends and colleagues with young children tell me they are busy sewing or ironing name tags into their... Read More
August 20, 2015 I know there are a lot of walks out there. The summer is crammed full of them. There are so many important... Read More
August 13, 2015 Think of Ottawa’s homeless animals on National Homeless Animals Day I have always believed in the... Read More
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